Gia Primo – Flash in the Pan or All-time Great?

Gia Primo -

Gia Primo is one of the biggest names in modern catfight history. She has toured North America, Europe, Australia and Asia, engaging in matches against men and women… And found great success against both. She is one of the highest earners in catfighting history and spent her career as one of the most sought after drawing cards in the world.

Gia Primo - So one must wonder. Why was her career in ACW so short?

Gia was very young when she started with ACW. She wasn’t necessarily inexperienced, but it was early in her career and before she found her style and hit her stride. In her first three months she was in constant training with her friend Kristy Broussard and title contender Diane Hunter who also worked as a trainer for the promotion. Primo was put through the paces by some of the toughest, grittiest veterans in the business, so while she was gaining a ton of experience, she wasn’t racking up a bunch of wins and experienced a period of time where she felt her career was going nowhere.

She did have a surge of optimism after big wins over Jenna Johnson, Donna Dixxon and Dixie Monroe, however, and was stoked to find out that she would be a part of the tapings for the first ACW DVD, “The Motor City Posse Invasion.” She was especially excited because she would be matched up against her friend and training partner, Kristy Broussard. The two knew each other so well, Primo knew they would have a great match.

Except it didn’t happen that way. Broussard absolutely destroyed the blonde wrestler. She threw her to the ground and put her into hold after hold, roughly over-matching Gia in front of the whole management team. Broussard won in two straight falls and a sobbing Primo ran from the tapings to the dressing room.

Gia Primo vs. Kristy Broussard photoset

That quickly Gia Primo was done with ACW. She was terribly embarrassed by her poor showing and although ACW officials were stil high on her, she felt like she couldn’t hold her head up in front of the rest of the roster. She was also very angry at Broussard, feeling that the bigger girl had taken some liberties with her in order to impress management.

After leaving ACW, Gia began training in various martial arts and began travelling across the United States, taking private matches and working the independent scene. As she gained more skills, her popularity grew and grew and within three years, she was one of the biggest names on the international scene.

Gia Primo had a legendary career and it is a shame that she wasn’t able to showcase her greatness for ACW fans.

Gia Primo vs. Kristy Broussard Video Clip

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