This is the second in an eight part series on the dramatic downfall of Apartment Championship Wrestling.
One way in which ACW has found itself in trouble is in the area of personal conduct, both on behalf of the talent roster and members of management. Countless numbers of wrestlers had to be bailed out of encounters with law enforcement over alcohol and drug issues, with a few (whom we shall not name) actually going to prison. These incidents were covered up from the media, so as to not tarnish the ACW brand.

One thing that did not get covered up, however, were the allegations of sexual harassment on the part of ACW management, and in particular, on the part of ACW Chairman and Founder Tanako X. X had long been known as a ladies man, despite the secrecy surrounding his persona. This all changed during a contract dispute with then ACW champion 00Heaven. She alleged that Tanako had been harassing her in a pay to play type of arrangement. While she would not say that she received the title belt for engaging in sex with X, she did say that the two had been intimate and that he continued to push the relationship, even after she begged off. The issue was dismissed a month later when the two parties reached an agreement on a new contract, with 00Heaven backpedaling her allegations, saying that she and X were just friends and business associates. The damage was done, however, as the tabloid press jumped onto the juicy rumors like a dog with a steak. What came next was worse than anyone could have imagined, and her name was Taylor Wilson.
Taylor Wilson was an oddity and a spectacle in the world of apartment wrestling. At 6’ 1” and around 175 lbs., she was bigger and stronger than anyone else in the promotion. That she could have been the ACW Champion was only a foregone conclusion. Instead, the question was “Who Could Beat Her?” The answer was herself. Wilson was the ultimate party girl who put in almost no training. She lived as wild of a lifestyle as they come and was not shy about her sexual appetite. As she admitted, she set her sights onto Tanako X and planned for a long-term game plan for success and money. The two began a relationship that was only lightly disguised.
By her own admission, she enticed X into taping the sexual sessions in order to watch them later. X maintains that he agreed to use one camera for their dalliances and claimed that when she was alone in his house while he was on a European tour, that she had the whole house wired for video and sound, outfitted with tiny cameras that recorded the information to a small box in the basement. While she never acknowledged doing so, Wilson has also never denied it. What is known is that Wilson approached the management team with a fistful of tapes showing X engaged in sexual activity with 00Heaven, Dixie Monroe, Candy Sommers and Amber Mayfield. Acting as a woman scorned, she demanded the ACW title belt in return for not turning the tapes over to the press. After numerous meetings with her lawyers and management, X flat out refused to knuckle under to her blackmail scheme.

Wilson carried out her threat and released the tapes to a small, independent Chicago newspaper, which featured the story on its front page. Almost immediately it grabbed national attention. Women’s groups stepped forward demanding investigations of the promotions and local politicians expressed their outrage. Numerous women stepped forward alleging that they were harassed by X and other members of the management team and Monroe and Sommers filed lawsuits against X for taping them. Taking advantage of the situation, Tanako’s nephew, and current ACW President, Masahiro X, convinced his uncle to step down temporarily. When he did so, Masahiro ousted him from the company, convincing shareholders that Tanako had to go. Just when it looked like the ACW Founder was going to lose everything, someone stepped forward who changed the whole scenario around. Jimmy Lee Thompson owned his owner security company, and filed suit against the promotion claiming that he hadn’t been paid for the work he had done on behalf of ACW. The work involved? The wiring of Tanako’s house. When asked whom had hired him, he replied “the big blonde.” He confirmed that it had been Taylor Wilson whom had hired him. “It was definitely her,” he later said in a deposition. “How many giant blondes do you have calling you in and showing you where she wanted each camera in each room while wearing a skimpy bikini. That’s a visual you can’t get out of your head.” Wilson, he said, sealed the deal by having sex with him in Tanako’s bedroom, filming it with the original camera. “Then, after I had installed everything, she blackmailed me with a tape of us having sex. How was I going to explain away a tape of me fucking this giant blonde up the ass to my wife?” Thompson dropped the matter for several months, until he and his wife separated. With his lawsuit and his testimony, the charges, allegations and lawsuits against Tanako were dropped and he resumed his duties with ACW. Surprisingly, though, no charges were brought against Wilson for filing false claims. Tanako would later tell an associate, “her ass has changed more minds than a bottle of scotch.”
Still, a lot of damage had been done, both to Tanako’s and ACW’s reputation. The door had been opened to his personal life and his risky behavior, which played right into the hands of his rivals.
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