Diane Hunter’s Post-Match Press Conference

Diane Hunter - apartmentwrestlers.com

Hunter Goes Off at Post-Match Press Conference.

In what will go down in the annals as one of the most unexplainable press conferences in apartment wrestling history, Diane Hunter unleashed a torrent of angry remarks towards the assembled press, lambasting everyone from the fans to ACW management and other ACW competitors, bemoaning her long and torturous struggle to get a shot at the ACW title. After defeating Daniella Cartier to win the ACW title after 10 years of active competition, Hunter laid down the law saying that things would be different with her holding the belt and that she was going to implement a choke hold over the belt and the promotion.

ACW President Tanako X was clearly taken aback by her outburst, but muttered that “everything will be fine.”

ACW will announce in the coming weeks when Hunter will have her first title defense.

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